CQDF - Montreal 2022

FMConf - Poitier 2019

Thierry representing L'Usine À Bases during his intervention at the FMConf Poitier 2019 on the GDPR (RGPD). A lot to say in a short time...

FMConf - Toulouse 2014

Small photo report of the FMConf Toulouse 2014. First FM Conference where L'Usine À Bases participates as a speaker on a 20 minute "Pitch"...
Departure to Toulouse at Wednesday noon from Paris Montparnasse station by TGV. A lot of people...

FMConf - Toulouse 2012

Some memories of the FM Conference in Toulouse 2012. First conference where the entire Usine À Bases team was there! I discovered the Pink City for the first time.